No Refund Policy:
Thank you for buying our courses. We will make sure to deliver a rewarding & exceptional learning experience to our users while they are discovering information, assessing, and purchasing our online training courses.
Here below are the terms and conditions that govern the Refund Policy. Users must understand that whenever they are buying a training course on AI Patasala website they must agree to our Privacy Policy and Terms of use policy and the points below.
Cancellation and Refunds: Online Classroom Learning
- We are making it clear that AI Patasala has got the right to postpone/cancel an event because of instructor illness or force-majeure events (like floods, earthquakes, political instability, pandemic situation like COVID19, etc.)
- We follow a strict no refund policy for users who have attended the online classroom training for more than 1 day's session or have accessed/downloaded course material from the learning portal.
- No refund will be provided on discounted courses.
- If in case you fail to attend the classes as per the given schedule then refund will not be authorized.
Users are advised to read and understand this no refund policy. This no refund policy is hereby communicated to users to prevent misunderstanding and disputes.